05-09-2023 - 05-09-2023

On Tuesday 5th September, 2023, We celebrated Teachers Day in the unique way at MIT College Of Academy Of Engineering, Alandi, where we have done the 1) Felicitate More Than 25 Engineering College Professors 2) Done the Revival of Rotaract Club of MIT Academy Of Engineering 3) Conducted Arogya Darabar - Full Body Medical Checkup Of 95 Professors 4) Completed First Synergy Project with New Proposed & Existing MIT Rotaract Being a new club this is our First Synergy Project with Rotaract Clubs, which was very well planned and executed by our emerging young leaders Presdient Rtr. Tanvir Tadvi Rotaract (MIT AOE) & President Elect Rtr. Atharva Bhave Rotaract (ROCPE) and their teams. Appreciable efforts of AG PP Rtn. Sadashiv Kale to lead our Arogya Drabar.

Public Image Avenue Details

Start Date 05-09-2023
End Date 05-09-2023
Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 40
Partner Clubs Rotaract Club of MIT College of AOE Rotaract Club Of Pimpri Elite
Non Rotary Partners
Category Rotary Promtion Events